
Dealing with Issues of Discrimination and Harassment Between Neighbors

By John F. Baumgardner Unresolved disputes amongst neighbors can lead to lengthy and costly litigation. This is especially true when dealing with claims of harassment or discrimination.  In a typical residential setting, the costs of these disputes, and any resulting litigation, would be borne solely by the individual homeowners.  However, in a common interest development, … Continue reading “Dealing with Issues of Discrimination and Harassment Between Neighbors”

Board Decisions, The Business Judgment Rule, And Judicial Deference

No board member wants to see their name, or that of their Association, listed as a defendant in a lawsuit alleging they violated their obligations under the Association’s CC&Rs or California law.  This is especially true for any board member who spends countless hours enforcing the governing documents, participating in violation hearings, attending board meetings, … Continue reading “Board Decisions, The Business Judgment Rule, And Judicial Deference”

Recharging Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and New Legislation

California is a leader in promoting clean and renewable energy technologies.  In January 2018, Governor Brown issued Executive Order B-48-18 (“EO”) calling for 5 million zero-emissions vehicles by 2030 and the installation of 250,000 electric vehicle chargers by 2025.  As stated in the EO, “California increased the number of zero-emission vehicles in the state by … Continue reading “Recharging Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and New Legislation”